“When a child of light is birthed into matter, all physical experience is manifested in an attempt to replicate the richness and validity of the inner environment from where you are Sourced. Therefore, all physical expression serves to assist consciousness in search of meaning and spiritual truth.”
‘Mother’, speaking through Sally Mackay, provides alternative commentaries on many compelling spiritual concepts to align with the emerging consciousness shift of our present age. She explores:
Your ‘baggage’ is nothing more than your beliefs and not karmic or reincarnation debt.
How can you deal with issues from an unconscious past life? How is that empowering? Rather than be a victim of an angry God, one becomes a victim of your own self … and we all understand there is no escaping the Self.
All ‘undoings’ of past ‘wrongs’ must be undertaken on the Earth plane. It is incorrect to consider that one could learn of enlightenment through some spiritual afterlife class room. If this were the case, then Earth would hardly be necessary.
Your purpose is inseparable from your own process of becoming into full conscious awareness. It is not something you do as much as it is something you are.
The Power of Now:
If you yearn for some ‘thing’ in the future, then you must be affirming lack in the now and so the lack you focus on, rather than the object of your desire, will manifest into your future.
Mother also clarifies modern notions on Birth, Spirit Guides, Fear, ‘It’s Meant to Be’, Guilt and Compassion and other misconceptions of Spirituality.
“Be non-attached to what you think you know and allow your true inner awareness to emerge and so guide you experientially.”
With Love Mother
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